What to Expect

Sundays at FCC Boylston

Our Sunday morning worship gatherings offer you a space to connect with God in a world where everything feels rushed and over-scheduled. When you join us, you will find a place to have good conversations, develop friendships, and hear from God.

Our worship draws from the rich history of the Christian Church, but not in a stuffy and overly formal way. 

Every Sunday, you will hear teachings from the Bible and how they connect with your life, be invited to sing with the congregation, and pray with others (Don’t worry, you will not be asked to lead a prayer; prayers are printed in our worship guide).

What about my kids?

Infant through Three:  Nursery is offered for the entire worship gathering. When you enter our building, someone will gladly show you to our clean, safe, and professionally staffed nursery.
If you would rather your child stay with you, we support and celebrate that decision. We love to hear the voices of children! 

Preschool - Elementary: We offer Sunday School for these ages.* Kids gather with the whole church for the first portion of our service. After we sing a couple of songs, the kids are invited to Sunday School. We pray a blessing over them and then our Sunday School Volunteers escort the kids to their space downstairs. 

*On the First Sunday of the Month, we have Family Sundays, and Sunday School-aged kids stay in the service. This is also the Sunday we take communion. 


Find us at...

10 Church Street, Boylston, MA 01505
Phone: (508)869-2027
Email: Admin@fcc-boylston.org

Join us for Worship every Sunday at 10:00 am.
10 Church Street, Boylston, MA 01505
(508) 869-2027

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